Über unsMediaKontaktImpressum
02. Februar 2015

openSUSE: Support-Ende von 12.3

Der Support für openSUSE 12.3 endet.
With the release of flash-player on January 29th, 2015 the SUSE sponsored maintenance of openSUSE 12.3 has ended. openSUSE 12.3 is now officially discontinued and out of support by SUSE. openSUSE 12.3 was released on March 13th 2013, making it ca. 11 months of security and bugfix support. Here are some statistics of our released updates (compared to 12.2): Total updates: 909 (+160) Security: 468 (+116) Recommended: 439 (+43) Optional: 1 (0) Feature: 1 (+1) Fixed CVE-entries: 1581 (+250) Fixed Bugs (overall): 1861 (+505)
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